
Botox® treatments
with Rick & Nick from Aesthetify

Everyone knows them: the promises of various anti-ageing creams or similar products that are supposed to make the face appear younger. Many people have already invested a lot of money in these products, but have not achieved the desired effect. Botox® treatment can be an effective alternative.

Botox® is a form of botulinum toxin. It is injected in tiny doses to temporarily paralyze the muscles and thus reduce the formation of wrinkles. Botox® is particularly effective in facial treatments and is often seen as a miracle weapon against annoying wrinkles.

If you want an aesthetic change to your appearance, Rick & Nick from Aesthetify are the right people for you. They specialize in Botox® treatments that can give you a youthful and fresh appearance. With their many years of experience and high quality standards, we will advise and treat you individually and professionally.

Botox Behandlungen

Our treatment with Botox®

Botox®, derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, has been used successfully in medical practice for many years. It has gained popularity in recent years, particularly for aesthetic treatments, as it effectively reduces wrinkles.

We guarantee treatment by experienced specialists and the individually correct dosage and technique for optimum results from your Botox® treatment.

Impressions from the field

Treatments with Botox® - Effect

The effect of Botox® on the face is clearly visible due to its muscle-relaxing properties. In a Botox® treatment, the active ingredient is injected in small doses into specific facial muscles to reduce their activity. As a result, the associated wrinkles and lines are smoothed or completely eliminated.

Botox® treatment has a particularly great effect on wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows and around the eyes. Botox® treatment can also provide effective relief for medical issues such as migraines or teeth grinding.

During the treatment, a very fine needle is used to inject the Botox® into the specifically selected muscles. The effect of the treatments usually sets in within a few days.

The full result is visible around two weeks after the Botox® treatment. The results last four to eight months from your treatment appointment – depending on how quickly your body breaks down the Botox®.

Regular Botox® treatments should be carried out to maintain wrinkle-free skin. Or even better: don’t let it get that far in the first place and prevent any wrinkles with preventive treatments!

Botox®: What treatments are available?

We offer a wide range of treatments with Botox® to meet your individual needs. The active ingredient is mainly used to treat wrinkles in the upper facial area such as forehead wrinkles, frown lines or crow’s feet. By relaxing the muscles in the affected area, wrinkles and lines are smoothed out.



Before each Botox® treatment, however, you will be informed individually about the corresponding follow-up treatment. As a rule, Botox® injections are a minimally invasive treatment that requires no downtime. It is known as a lunch break treatment, as you can resume your usual activities immediately after the treatment.



The costs of a Botox® treatment are very individual, as they depend on the desired form of treatment. For more detailed information, please take a look at the price list or contact us to find out more about the prices of our treatments.



A Botox® treatment with Rick and Nick is generally painless. Very fine needles are used for the treatment, which may only cause a barely noticeable pinch. Throughout the process, Rick & Nick are always on hand to support you and make your treatment experience as comfortable as possible.


Side effects

As with any medical treatment, side effects can also occur when using Botox®. These include, for example, redness or slight swelling at the injection site. These are usually barely noticeable and disappear within a few days.

In our practices, you will be treated by experienced professionals who specialize in carrying out Botox® treatments. Before the treatment begins, we will inform you in detail about the possible risks and side effects and you will of course have the opportunity to ask all your questions.

Botox® or hyaluronic acid?

The choice of treatment method depends on the desired goals and the areas affected. Botox® has proven to be highly effective in the treatment of muscular wrinkles. It works by relaxing the muscles and preventing unwanted movements. Over time, muscle activity decreases, which leads to a reduction in wrinkles and also prevents their formation.

In contrast, hyaluronic acid is preferred when it comes to static wrinkles on the face, which are caused by the natural ageing process of the skin and are also present when muscles are relaxed. In these cases, treatment with Botox® is not the appropriate treatment method.

Botox® treatments at Aesthetify by Rick & Nick

Our Botox® treatments offer an excellent way to reduce annoying wrinkles in the facial area and make your skin look younger and firmer again. The treatment is safe and minimally invasive. You will be ready for social life again immediately afterwards.

As experienced and qualified doctors, Rick & Nick carry out all treatments in a relaxed and professional atmosphere and will be happy to advise you on your individual needs and goals. If you would like to find out more about the possibilities of a Botox® treatment or would like to make an appointment with us, please get in touch.



When should you start Botox® treatments?

The decision to start Botox® treatment is very individual. However, the basic motto is: start sooner rather than later. Prevent wrinkles from forming in the first place by taking preventive action with a Botox® treatment.


When should you not inject Botox®?

Treatment with Botox® must not be carried out on pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with certain neuromuscular diseases or allergies to botulinum toxin or albumin.


How long does it take for a Botox® treatment to take effect?

Botox® usually begins to take effect within a few days of treatment. The full result is achieved after about two weeks.


What are the advantages of Botox® treatment?

  • Wrinkle reduction: The active ingredient effectively reduces facial wrinkles and smoothes the skin.
  • Minimal downtime: Those treated can resume their normal activities immediately after the Botox® treatment.
  • Low-pain treatment: Botox® injections are generally low-pain, as very fine needles are used.
  • Medical applications: Botox® can also be used to treat migraines or teeth grinding.
  • Preventive effect: The active ingredient can slow down or even prevent the formation of new wrinkles by relaxing the muscles and reducing their movements.

Simply book your consultation appointment online